Shloimy Salzman
Shloimy Salzman is a British/American Band Leader & Music Producer. Founder & Music Director of Zaltz! Former producer at Sonic Duo.
Shloimy has produced music for some of your favorite artist such as, Yossi Green (Chuppas Yedidim), Motti Illowitz (Shtickle Toisfes, Deera, Yiddishe Taavos), Meilech Kohn (Avi Yesoimem, Ein Trop, Bderech, Gedanken), Lipa Schmeltzer (TBA), Shulem Lemmer (TBA) Eli Marcus (Bechol Koicho), Simcha Leiner (Shira Chadasha, Bassi), Moshe Tischler (Bishvili, Ki Le'olam, Hayom) Nachas (Champion), TYHashem (Feat. TBA), Menachem Weinstein (TBA), Duddy Knopfler (Soireko).
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What does a good request look like?
Tip #1
Be detailed with your request, so Shloimy Salzman knows exactly what to say. Mention if you want to dedicate this video to someone or if it's for a special occasion.
Tip #2
Let Shloimy Salzman know the age of the recipient so that they use appropriate tone and wording.